Saturday 10th June 2023


It's finally got warmer although the north-easterly wind is still with us. On site migrants include Blackcap, Chiffchaff & Wheatear. Offshore southbound 12 Teal, 3 Curlew & 3 Sandwich Tern with northbound 12 Oyk, 5 Sandwich Tern & Kittiwake. It seems a bit early for Teal to start going south as it's normally right at the end of the month before they get going. Visitations from dispersing juveniles included Greenfinch & Mistle Thrush. What is presumably the same Ring-necked Parakeet that has been audibly damaging our eardrums around Felixstowe over the past month or so spent some time squawking loudly from the Poplars mid-morning.

The first warm night of the year resulted in the moths perking up although it usually takes a couple of warmer nights for things to really get going. Landguard does well for Archer's Dart which likes sand and shingle areas along the coast.

Ringing: 6 Linnet, 1 Blackcap, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Chaffinch, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Dunnock, 1 Greenfinch.