Thursday 1st June 2023

We are stuck in a rut with the cool north-easterlies off the North Sea continuing. A selection of early June migrants cheered us up in an overcast morning with 5 Sanderling, 4 Reed Warbler, 3 Swift, 2 Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Spot Fly, the first Wheatear for nine days & the first Whinchat for us this year. A total of 121 Brent headed out then north with others northbound including 24 Common Scoter, 5 Black-heads, 2 Common Tern, 2 Med Gull, Common Gull & Mallard plus what is quite probably the start of autumn passage for Curlew which normally get going at this time of the year. The usual Black Red was back on the Fort in the afternoon belting out his plaintive tunes. Finally the first baby Great Tits have come out of their nest hole (slightly on the drag this year).
Peppered Moth is a master of disguise. Stepping back slightly they totally blend in with the wall.

Ringing: 4 Linnet, 3 Starling, 2 Reed Warbler, 1 Blackbird, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Dunnock, 1 Spotted Flycatcher.