Monday 17th July 2023

Its the time of year that young gulls are now on the wing, and we saw several brownish youngsters off the point today, surely to be followed by more as the season continues. More baby birds were present in the compound, with yet more freshly fledged linnets and a few more whitethroats finding their way down here from their nests further up the reserve. 

A porpoise midmorning was not the first we've seen this month, with an adult and calf seen last week. Dragonflies were much in abundance despite the strong wind, and amongst the migrant and southern hawkers there was a male southern hawker showing beautifully on the Icky Ridge.

Only the fifth site record of the natinally scarce Crescent Striped Moth. This one of the form abjecta is different from the morphs we've recorded previously.

Birds Ringed: Herring Gull 3, Linnet 5, Whitethroat 2.