Tuesday 4th July 2023


Overcast n' breezy plus a few spots of rain early morning (although blink & you would have missed them). Southbound 11 Golden Plover, 7 Swift, 6 Common Scoter, 5 Curlew, 2 Grey Plover, Barwit, Dunlin, Sand Martin & Swallow with northbound 2 Sandwich Tern so a few more waders getting going as they depart their breeding grounds for moulting areas. At least 9 Med Gull knocking about, plenty of baby birds plus 2 Porpoise loitering.

Only a handful of Reddish Light Arches on file with this the first one since 2006. Most Suffolk records are from the Brecks so this one livened up a fairly bland selection this morning due to the wind.