Tuesday 22nd August 2023

Despite the south esterly, migation continued apace today, with the first two spotted flycatchers of the autumn at the mine station, a new or perhaps the same hobby hunting over the reserve that has been intermittently reported for a few weeks, and a handful of migrant warblers, sedge, reed and whitethroat, amongst the expected willow warblers. The latter were in good numbers around the reserve, with around 20 at the mine station alone, clearly a new influx.

Two great spotted woodpecker juveniles were caught and ringed, the first to be ringed all year, though they're more likely to be dispersing locals, than 'true' migrants, along with a few more juvenile robins and blue tits.

Magpie Moth is a good looking species that we see infrequently.

Birds Ringed: Blue Tit 1. Great Spotted Woodpecker 2, Pied Wagtail 1, Reed Warbler 1, Robin 3, Sedge Warbler 1, Willow Warbler 3.