Friday 11th August 2023

A slightly breezy day, but the change in wind direction seemed to do wonders for bird movement. 53 species were observed or ringed today, the highest total so far this autumn. Another juvenile cuckoo was out on the reserve, as was a young green woodpecker, which spent most of the day around the observatory. Good numbers of common terns feeding offshore with 60, amongst which were a few sandwich and a single first year arctic tern. On the other hand, willow warblers appear to have cleared out entirely, with only one or two encountered on the entire reserve throughout the morning, though this is to be expected with the wind change. 

A moth good news story is that the Least Carpet, which was first noted in 1995 is now very common here.

Birds Ringed: Grey Wagtail, Lesser Whitethroat 2, Linnet 2, Sedge Warbler 1.