Friday 4th August 2023

One of two Golden Plover that dropped in on the beach late yesterday afternoon.

As is the theme so far this autumn, and the year really, unsettled weather dominated the morning. Before thunderous showers set in around 11, it was a reasonable day for observations. The compound did quite well for warblers, with reed, sedge, willow, both whitethroats and highlights of the morning, 2 wood warblers. Another green woodpecker paid us a visit, but was incredibly elusive and headed north again pretty quickly.  

Cochylis roseana was a regular species here up until 2016. After a 5 year absence there was a single last year and now today.

Birds Ringed: Dunnock 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Reed Warbler 1, Sedge Warbler 2, Whitethroat 1, Wood Warbler 1