Thursday 31st August 2023

A return to normality after yesterdays aquatic excitment. Migrants were thin on the ground, but the locals put on a good show. In response to the local sparrowhawks the starlings murmurated above the observatory much to our delight. The sparrowhawk did not have much luck, having seized a starling early morning, it was mugged by a juvenile great black backed gull, which in turn lost the meal to a magpie, with the sparrowhawk sadly looking on. Later the sparrowhawk returned and sparred with the magpie, but the starling was long since gone. A single blackcap was not the first of many, so we'll have to wait a little longer for their numbers to build up. Another reed warbler ringed in the Observatory takes us up to 11 for the month, significantly higher than last August.

Formerly abundant, the Snout appears to be having a lean year, perhaps as a result of the dry weather last year.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Great Tit 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Reed Warbler 1.