Tuesday 29th August 2023

Another north westerly surprised us by producing a couple of pied flycatchers, perhaps remnants of last weeks eastern influx trickling down the coast. A few other migrants were present, including a young willow warbler trying out his singing voice, which was an odd soundtrack for an August day. A 1st year male blackcap was our first for a while, and hopefully a herald of more as this is the time they begin to pass through. 

Terns and gulls were still feeding out front, despite much searching a black tern could not be found, but an arctic was briefly feeding with 28 common and 7 sandwich terns.

We've only recorded Antler moth in 7 previous years.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Grey Wagtail 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Pied Flycatcher 2, Robin 3, Whitethroat 1.