Tuesday 8th August 2023

The wind that never ends was from a slightly different direction today, but the observations were interesting regardless. We're in the peak period for willow warblers at the moment, with double figures around the reserve and compound almost certainly an underestimation of numbers present. A hobby flew low over the observatory and seized a finch, proceeding to pluck it on the wing, showering the observers with feathers as it circled overhead. It wasn't the only raptor hunting here today however, with at least two seperate young sparrowhawks terrorising the local finch and starling flocks and a kestrel hunting furthr up the reserve. 

Emperor dragonflies are really taking advantage of the sunny spells and sheltered areas of the obs, with at least 5 hunting around the compound.

We do ok for White Satin that lives on the poplars here.

Birds Ringed: Goldfinch 1, Lesser Whitethroat 3, Robin 1, Sparrowhawk 1, Whitethroat 1, Willow Warbler 10, Woodpigeon 1.