Monday 11th September 2023

A breeze from the west was very welcome in the sweltering heat. As the direction had changed we noticed a turnover in the migrants present on the reserve. Wheatear numbers increased from 1 yesterday to 15 today, yellow wagtails were still in double figures and meadow pipits are started to pass through in double figures. A garden warbler in the compound was the first for a while, and the willow warblers really seem to have given way to the chiffchaffs, with the latter outnumbering the former two to one. 

Western Conifer Seed Bug wanders at this time of year, turning up in moth traps. 

Convolvulus hawkmoth is a regular atumnal migrant here, though not in large numbers.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Blue Tit 1, Chiffchaff 5, Garden Warbler 1, Grey Wagtail 2.