Saturday 16th September 2023

A good morning for migration, for a few species. Up to 35 yellow wagtails and at least 11 grey were on or over the reserve this morning. Another whinchat was found, and a handful of migrant warblers. The tree sparrow reappeared, and possibly our earliest autumn record of Cetti's warbler was indulging in a bit of subsong and making its way down the the point and back during the morning. 50 house martin were a nice surprise, and they spent an hour feeding over the observatory and reserve. Meadow pipits are still going strong, with 67 on or moving through.

 Only the second site record of lesser wax moth, which lives in beehives.

Birds Ringed: Chiffchaff 3, Grey Wagtail 7, Meadow Pipit 9.