Tuesday 26th September 2023

A shift in the weather to a south easterly, didn't deliver as much as we may have expected. A Belgian ringed adult male blackbird however was a surprise, not least because its earlier than we usually get passage blackbirds. MIgrant warblers were few and far between today, both chiffchaffs and blackcaps dropping right down after the past few days.

The red-backed shrike continued its stay in the obs compound, showing no signs of wanting to move on. Good numbers of swallows (relatively) passed through with 780 heading south throughout the morning. Meadow pipit passage is slow currently, though thats probably due to the shift in wind direction. The purple sandpiper remains on the jetty. 

Noted in 5 previous years since 2010, Cypress Carpet is a wander from areas with, surprise surprise, cypress trees.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 2, Chiffchaff 1, Dunnock 1, Robin 1, Woodpigeon 1.