Monday 30th October 2023

A quiet morning was livened up by the rediscovery (we assume) of Saturday's pale lesser whitethroat susbpecies. A few observers got great views and photos as it fed out on the reserve. We won't know it's true subspecies status unless we get a DNA sample, and that has not happened yet. 

Aside from this, the migrant highlights were 196 siskin flying south amongst the other usual suspects. 3 blackcap in the compound were the first new ones for a while, and a grey wagtail was the first we've encountered for weeks. A new flock of long-tailed tits seems to have discovered the observatory. Their potential as a carrier species for more exciting birds and their noisy movements around the otherwise quite quiet obs make them welcome visitors. 

The Brick is an autumnal species that is unusually scarce this year.

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 1, Blackcap 3, Blue Tit 1, Grey Wagtail 1, Lesser Redpoll 8, Long-tailed Tit 5, Robin 1.