Monday 9th October 2023

Another decent day for migration with lots of finches going through. 513 goldfinch alongside 123 chaffinch, 108 redpoll and a handful of brambling all moving south. A few redwing and song thrushes were present in the compound along with a few new blackbirds, though no sign of yesterdays ring ouzel. A short-eared owl was seen on the Butts, probably the same bird as seen over the obs last night. Cetti's numbers are up to 3, its been quite a good autumn for them so far. 717 black headed gulls took the lead in terms of southward migration however, trickling through all morning.

Gem is a migrant from the continent with the bulk of records in October.

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 2, Blackcap 1, Blue Tit 1, Brambling 1,  Cetti's Warbler 1, Chiffchaff 3, Dunnock 1, Goldcrest 4, Lesser Redpoll 16, Pied Wagtail 1, Redwing 2, Song Thrush 5.