Saturday 14th October 2023

A slightly calmer day, and many observers made for a good vis mig session. 1034 goldfinch, 194 redpoll, 124 siskin, 82 linnet, 16 chaffinch and 7 greenfinch moved south, with a single lonely brambling. A goosander flew up the river, whilst 2 red-breasted mergansers passed the obs. Cetti's warblers were up to 4, though who knows how many there actually are staying silent in the reserves scrub? A single yellow-browed warbler remained, though elusive all day, a couple of chiffchaff and blackcap were the only other migrant warblers on site. 19 skylark were joined by a lone woodlark heading south, 3 rock pipit were amongst the 134 meadow pipits that also passed south. 

Large Wainscott lives in reedbeds and wanders at this time of year.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Lesser Redpoll 8, Yellow-browed Warbler 1.