Thursday 19th October 2023

Unsettled weather made for an optimistic day of observations. A ring ouzel found early doors was a good start. Rain was intermittent, though that didn't stop the seawatching. 1385 brent geese flew south along with 739 wigeon, with a scattering of other waterfowl, 22 pintail, 45 teal, 33 shelduck, 5 common scoter and a single tufted duck. A blackcap was the first we've seen in a day or two, and chiffchaffs are still pretty elusve. At least 10 goldcrests and a single firecrest were working their way around the compound, and a few chaffinch, mostly larger continental birds trickled through with some redwing, fieldfare, song thrush and blackbird. 

Merveille Du Jour is recorded here roughly one year in three. 

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 1, Chaffinch 4, Chiffchaff 1, Firecrest 1, Goldcrest 6, Redwing 1, Robin 2, Song Thrush 2.