Tuesday 17th October 2023

At last a change to an easterly, and the bird movement reflected this. Brent geese started to move south in big numbers, with 1546 observed during the day, and a single pink-footed goose flew close along the shore south as well. 56 Gannet moved north, and 175 black headed and 124 common gulls flew south. A single arctic skua was seen heading south, despite much observation effort put in. The compound itself saw a small influx of robins and goldcrests and a couple of firecrests, all sheltering behind the buildings rather wisely. A few redwing and a couple of fieldfare were the only thrushes of interest.

Birds Ringed: Chaffinch 1, Chiffchaff 4, Dunnock 1, Firecrest 1, Goldcrest 5, House Sparrow 2, Redwing 1, Robin 6.