Wednesday 25th October 2023

 Frustrating morning with odd bits of drizzle plus the forecast predicting a deluge that failed to happen. New arrivals included about 20 Blackbird, 6 Chaffinch, 4 Fieldfare, 2 Woodcock, Goldcrest, Snipe, Yellowhammer, Yellow-legged Gull plus a Barn Owl which is a species remarkably scarce here considering how common they are in Suffolk. Offshore movements nothing to write home about but included 5 Eider, Common Tern, Little Gull, Razorbill (+ another dead one half eaten presumably snacked on by foxy loxy). At least 2 Cetti's still with us and 6 Long-tailed Tit paid a visit. 20 Sanderling & 16 Ringos on the beach early morning suggest that dogs don't go out for a walk in the rain!

Red-line Quaker is an autumnal flyer only occouring infrequently down here.

Ringing: 1 Goldcrest.