Monday 6th November 2023

Woodpigeon migration (honestly!)

 A good day for vis mig. 5513 woodpigeon flew south along with 89 stock dove, 52 skylark and 2 woodlark. The first waxwing of the season was seen as it eventually decided not to cross the river and flew north. Another, or perhaps one of yesterdays short-eared owls was present in the compound. Finches had a good passage day with 526 redpoll, 378 goldfinch and 116 siskin joined by a single greenfinch, 6 linnet and 4 crossbill all heading south. Meadow pipit movement still continues with 87 south throughout the morning. A mealy redpoll was ringed at the observatory.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Chiffchaff 1, Lesser Redpoll 44, Mealy (Common) Redpoll 1, Long-tailed tit 9.