Saturday 18th November 2023

 Wet n' windy morning with the rain petering out early pm. Perseverance starring out into the soggy abyss resulted in southbound 215 Teal, 30 Common Scoter (+23 sat on the sea), 26 Brent, 8 Wigeon, 7 Dunlin,4 Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Red-throated Diver, Mallard & Shelduck with northbound 12 Little Gull, 4 Red-throats & Brent. On site a few Blackbirds new in and a Fieldfare but not a lot else noted.

"Epirrata" moths are hard but, being a male, this was identified as a November Moth by photographing the underside and enlarging the shots to look at the vital bits.

Ringing: 5 Blackbird.