Tuesday 21st November 2023

Annoying fine mizzle on & off for most of the morning. An adult Iceland Gull flew south mid-morning and a Moorhen on the "icky ridge" are both good Landguard birds. Other migrants included a small handful of new Blackies, Fieldfare, Redwings, Songies & a Chaffinch. A couple of Goldcrest are lingering on site, Shag flew up river and a Snow Bunting was on the beach. Also worth a mention are 4 Stock Dove.  Offshore southbound 63 Brent, 11 Black-heads, 2 Common Scoter, 2 Shelduck, Red-throated Diver & Teal with northbound 5 Red-throats, 4 Common Scoter & Barnacle Goose. 18 Gannets were pulling in behind shipping amongst the melee of gulls foraging on what's being churned up by propellers. A few flocks of Starling are arriving in off from late morning presumably having departed the Low Countries at dawn.

Yellow-line Quaker is an autumnal flyer that turns up roughly every other year in low numbers with this being the third of this autumn following on from nil last year.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird, 1 Chaffinch, 1 Redwing.