Saturday 8th July 2023


Very poor showing of Birds-foot Trefoil on the reserve with a trip out with a pheromone API lure still attracting 25+ Six-belted Clearwing in half an hours effort.

Southbound 54 Black-headed Gull, 14 Curlew, 5 Swallow & Common Scoter with northbound 4 Sandwich Tern, Common Scoter & Gannet. 

Pempelia genistella is a nationally scarce species living on Gorse that we do particularly well for despite not being blessed with a huge quantity of its foodplant.

Friday 7th June 2023


Butterfly numbers are poor so far this year with only Brown Argus bucking the trend being noted in good numbers in favoured spots around the reserve.

Very little moving this morning with southbound 18 Black-headed Gull, 8 Shelduck, 3 Grey Plover, Oyk, Redshank, Sandwich Tern & Whimbrel with northbound 15 Shelduck. Single Grey Herons flew inland and north over the docks being mobbed by gulls. Reed Warbler chuntering away to itself again.

Burnished Brass failed to put in an appearance last year so good to know that they haven't deserted us. Living on nettles no reason for them to be absent.

Thursday 6th July 2023


Southbound 42 Sand Martin, 17 Swallow, 12 Black-headed Gull, 12 Curlew, 6 Dunlin, 2 Oyk & Swift with northbound a Little Egret. On site 2 Chiffchaff & a Great-spotted Woodpecker visited plus only our third ever July record of Goldcrest.

The long awaited first site record of Pine Carpet which is a very common species in coniferous woodland but, obviously, doesn't like wandering from its foodplant.

Wednesday 5th July 2023


Gatekeeper are coming out to play the last couple of days.

Good dose of rain overnight is just the sort of medicine the reserve needed. Fairly strong wind this morning delivered southbound 77 Swift, 24 Grey Plover, 17 Curlew, 13 Teal, 8 Whimbrel, 5 Tufted Duck, 5 Sand Martin, 4 Oyk, 3 Shoveler, 2 Redshank, Barwit,  Little Egret, Little Tern & a Cuckoo. On site a Reed Warbler chortling away to himself is probably a late spring migrant whereas a female Blackcap will be post breeding dispersal. At least 16 Med Gull passed through or were feeding offshore.

Brown-line Bright-eye are appearing, although in recent years they are becoming more infrequent with us.

Ringing: 1 Blackcap, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Wren.

Tuesday 4th July 2023


Overcast n' breezy plus a few spots of rain early morning (although blink & you would have missed them). Southbound 11 Golden Plover, 7 Swift, 6 Common Scoter, 5 Curlew, 2 Grey Plover, Barwit, Dunlin, Sand Martin & Swallow with northbound 2 Sandwich Tern so a few more waders getting going as they depart their breeding grounds for moulting areas. At least 9 Med Gull knocking about, plenty of baby birds plus 2 Porpoise loitering.

Only a handful of Reddish Light Arches on file with this the first one since 2006. Most Suffolk records are from the Brecks so this one livened up a fairly bland selection this morning due to the wind.

Monday 3rd July 2023


Southern Hawker has started to appear in the shady spots.

Bright n' windy. Southbound 16 Swift, Curlew, Med Gull & Tufted Duck.

Only the third site record of Dewick's Plusia livened up a fairly mundane overnight catch in the windy conditions.

Sunday 2nd July 2023


Large numbers of Volucella zonaria around the compound at the moment.

Bright n' breezy. Heading south 11 Sand Martin, 5 Curlew, 5 Little Egret, 5 Swallow, & House Martin. A dispersing Great Spotted Woodpecker paid a brief visit.

Tree-lichen Beauty was first noted here twenty years ago. This is the first for this season.

Ringing: 1 Linnet.