Monday 8th January 2024


Local Ringed Plovers have been back in recent days to check on their breeding sites. 

Cold north-easterly wind, flurries of sleet & snow with a naughty little wind chill but some decent winter sightings. Slavonian Grebe is a very scarce species here so one fishing offshore is a good Landguard record. 1,200 Cormorant went out fishing first thing. Not a lot moving but entertaining with southbound 30 Wigeon, 16 Brent, 4 Shelduck, Eider & Red-throated Diver with northbound 6 Common Scoter, 2 Red-throats, Purple Sandpiper & Velvet Scoter. Amongst the gulls 17 Kitts plus the reappearance of what we presume is the same first-winter Glaucous Gull last seen back in December. 11 Blue Tit is a high winter count for us & a Woodcock in the moat is an indication of it getting colder from where it comes from.