Ringing Recoveries

11 Long-tailed Tits ringed LBO 10th November 2023 were retrapped at Trimly Marshes two days later.

Lesser Redpoll ringed LBO 26th October 2022 was retrapped 217 km away at Hut Wood, Hampshire on 6th January 2024. This is only our second Redpoll we have had recaught in Hampshire.

Black-headed Gull ringed LBO 15th January 2010 and seen either in the View Point car park or Felixstowe Pier every winter since then & last logged at the Pier on 25th February 2023 was retrapped 1,181 km away on 15th January 2024 at Gdynia Marina, Pomorskia, Poland. Having successfully wintered in the Felixstowe area for at least the past 13 years it is a surprise that this bird is wintering in Poland this year. Normally once a pattern of behaviour is set in stone that's what it does so why change ?