Ringing Recoveries

Blackbird ringed Wibrin, Luxembourg (province not country), Belgium 24th August 2022 retrapped 365 km away at LBO on 26th September 2023. Bit difficult to explain this one as Wibrin will be its natal area and the recapture date at LBO is right at the start of when autumn migration used to commence last century and several weeks earlier than it does now. No real reason for it to be moving north-west at this juncture. 

Lesser Redpoll ringed LBO 29th October 2020 retrapped 74 km away at Brandon, Norfolk 16th March 2024.

Lesser Redpoll ringed LBO 16th October 2023 retrapped 158 km away at Bracknell, Berkshire 23rd March 2024. This is our first Redpoll to Berkshire.

Lesser Redpoll ringed 10th November 2023 retrapped 17 km away at Hollesley, Suffolk 7th February 2024.

Blue Tit ringed Thorndon, Suffolk 28th February 2022 retrapped 41 km away at LBO 2nd March 2024. Slightly odd as most wandering Blue Tits are juveniles and this was an adult.