Saturday 30th March 2024

A calm and eventually sunny day seemed promising, with a light southerly wind. Alas, perhaps the conditions were too calm as despite much effort from local observers, migration was almost non existent. A blackcap, 2 chiffchaffs and 2 grey wagtails in the compound were the best passerine migrants. Offshore, a handful of oystercatchers and a turnstone went south along with a handful of Brent geese. On the river behind the Obs, a lovely summer plumaged great crested grebe was fishing late morning. 

Its quite early in the season for a Waved Umber to appear. It is a species that has only become annual in the last 7 years. 

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Chiffchaff 2, Grey Wagtail 2, Linnet 3.