Monday 8th April 2024

A few firsts for the year this morning. First sedge warbler singing, and the observatories earliest record of whitethroat. More exciting was the fifth record of raven with two over the observatory and landing on the reserve and riling up the other corvids. It's also the first record of the species here this century. The black redstart was singing from the fort early doors, with a nightingale singing at the Icky Ridge. 2 goldeneye flew south and there was a bit of med gull movement with 16 north and 3 south during the morning, along with 82 black-headed gulls. 

Swallow Prominent lives on poplars and does fairly well here. 

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 6, Chiffchaff 1, Song Thrush 2, Willow Warbler 1.