Friday 24th May 2024

Another warm and quiet day, with very few migrants. Two reed warblers on the reserve were the highlights on the passerine front, a few swallows moved south and the turnstones on the jetty had increased to 7. 

Mostly it was a day of fledglings, with a second great tit brood on the wing, and the bird observatory magpie pair bringing out 5 fledglings, much more successful than the other pairs on the reserve which didn't manage that number between them. Juvenile starling numbers continue to increase, which is nice after last years dearth of them. 

Lunar Yellow Underwing is a nationally scarce species with the Suffolk Brecks, Coast and Sandlings the countries stronghold for them. 

Birds Ringed: Dunnock 1, Great Tit 4, Starling 1.