Tuesday 21st May 2024

May is a month where you can't really predict what may turn up and when. Despite the migration season really winding down, today produced more individuals of spotted flycatcher, tree pipit and reed warbler. A great spotted woodpecker was also a notable record, more so for the fact that it quietly disappeared into the holm oaks and wasn't seen again, presumably it made a swift return back up the peninsula. 

There's still a few slow to move waders hanging around. Oystercatchers are understandable as they breed nearby and often attempt to breed in the docks, but the 6 sanderling and 3 turnstone on the jetty and beach should be on their way north. Possibly they are and Landguard is but a waystation to bulk up before fearsome sea crossings ahead. 

Burnished Brass is infrequent here, despite living on nettles which, alas, we are not short of.

Birds Ringed: Great Tit 2, Grey Wagtail 1, Linnet 1, Reed Warbler 1, Tree Ppit 1, Whitethroat 1.