Sunday 16th June 2024


Botanically brilliant at present with a guesstimate of 100,000+ Viper's Bugloss plants if anyone wants to come & do a count ! Windy with some heavy showers and lower than average temperatures is suppressing the insect populations with very poor numbers of lepidoptera to be seen both by day & night. Bird migration presently poor with this morning highlights being 3 Curlew & 2 House Martin south. Some breeding bird species are doing okay with others failing to rear many, or any, young at all  so far although second, or third, attempts are underway for some. With the inclement weather conditions it can feel more like purgatory than pleasure. Only five days to go to the longest day of the year after which it's all downhill - it's being so cheerful that keeps us going !

Spectacle larvae live on Nettles so should do much better this year after many lean times in recent years down here.

Ringing: 1 Dunnock, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Wren.