Wednesday 10th July 2024


One of two young Herring Gulls on the museum roof whose parents take a dislike to some human visitors in the car park dive bombing them & making a right old kerfuffle. Should be fledged soon. 

Southbound migrants included 68 Swift, 45 Black-headed Gull, 27 Curlew, 12 Teal, 7 Sand Martin, 4 Whimbrel, 2 Swallow, Common Gull (adult), Oyk, Sandwich Tern & Tufted Duck. A Hobby whizzed through (very few seen so far this summer suggesting none nesting nearby).

First Rush Veneer of the year of this migrant that appears in hugely variable numbers one year to the next.

Ringing: 3 Wren, 1 Robin.