Tuesday 1st October 2024

Slightly drier today, and the movement continues. Brent geese weren't nearly as abundant as yesterday, with only 95 passing through. Hirundine numbers were up as we might expect in such unsettled conditions, with 281 house martin and 334 swallow moving south, with only a solitary sand martin joining them. 114 teal flew south along with 8 pintail and 41 wigeon. Waders were slightly better represented today, with 4 knot and 8 dunlin heading south, with 4 snipe, the purple sandpiper, a turnstone and a sanderling onsite. Small numbers of warblers were present today, though they were outnumbered by a fresh influx of robins. A young sedge warbler was the 5th latest record we've had here.  Another 3 skylark flew south along with 24 meadow pipits.  

Radford's Flame Shoulder is an immigrant first noted in 2021 that might be attempting to colonise. 

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 3, Blue Tit 3, Dunnock 1, Robin 4, Sedge Warbler 1.