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Tuesday 2nd July 2024


Belts of annoying mizzle in a cool north-westerly airflow this morning. Basically it's the usual birds in the usual places - well at least those that have deigned to make their presence known to us. Great-spot still with us plus 2 Turnstone on the beach.

The first site record of Dark Umber was totally unexpected, especially when one considers the poor weather conditions for insects at the moment. It lives on Buckthorn with most records in Suffolk well inland in the left hand side of the county.

Monday 1st July 2024


Only migrants noted were southbound 3 Curlew & 3 Sand Martin. 4 Turnstone were on the point & yesterday's Great Spot is still with us. Worth a mention are 2 teneral Southern Migrant Hawker in the moat.

Crescent Plume lives on Restharrow so likes it here.

Ringing: 1 Wood Pigeon.


166 birds of 23 species is nearly 100 down on last June's total. Worth highlighting are 3 Grey Wagtail as very few get noted in the summer month plus 2 young Cetti's Warbler confirming successful nesting on site for the first time ever.

Sunday 30th June 2024


A Corn Bunting is our first ever June record (although we do have a previous mid-summer record on 2nd July). Presumably it's a wandering Juvenile ? Little moving this morning but included southbound 30 Black-headed Gull, single Kittiwake & Curlew. Otherwise a fairly standard mid-summer selection of local breeders & dispersing juveniles from sites nearby.

Seen to be getting a run of Zeiraphera isertana in the traps at the moment whose foodplant is Oak.

Ringing: 3 Chiffchaff, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Blackcap, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker.