Tuesday 22nd to Monday 28th February 2011

Winter slowly grinding to a halt with a few signs of spring - although with the winds going north-easterly that's probably put the mockers on it. Male Pheasant, 2 Purps & at least 5 Meds still with us but Common Gull numbers dropping away as the week progressed. On the 22nd 13 Barnacles north, 3 Great-crested Grebes south, 3 Skylarks on the reserve & at least 1 Woodcock in the observatory compound. Snow Bunting near the point on both the 22nd & 23rd with Skylarks increasing to 7 on the later date. Single Fieldfare on both 24th & 26th plus single Redwing on both 25th & 28th. A bit of movement in the sunshine on the 27th saw 8 Goldfinch south and singles of Carrion Crow & Jackdaw north plus 2 Skylarks on site. The Great Tit movements began on the 28th for the first time this spring, on which date also noted were 6 Common Scoter north and a new Blacky. Skylarks were common breeders here up to mid 90's but in recent years to see them on the reserve is reasonably notable - the birds seen over recent days are presumably birds that were frozen out of their natal areas earlier in the winter that are on route to from whence they came.