Tuesday 1st March 2011

St.Davids Day - but no daffs in flower yet. The local Little Owl was in fine voice pre-dawn. At least 15 Great Tits on site (7 new ones & 8 retraps from previous years) with the new ones carrying plenty of fat and all in very good condition. Also new in today were singles of Dunnock, Blue Tit, Greeny, Spadger, Songie & Blackie. It's always good to catch a new Spadger and i am begining to believe the population has not only bottomed out but may even be recovering. Offshore the first Gannet of the year went north & 2 Red-breasted Mergansers south. Also in the bushes a brief visitation mid-day by 2 Long-tailed Tits and a Mistle Thrush. Also worth a note is a Dunnock trapped that was originally ringed here in September 2005. Considering the northerly air flow a reasonably entertaining morning.