Wednesday 2nd March 2011

Biting north-easterly breeze not nice at all. Despite the murky conditions offshore the first Fulmar of the year put in an appearance and a female Long-tailed Duck went north. A Firecrest on site was the same one as last noted in November 2010 that has presumably been skulking on site somewhere. 4 Long-tailed Tits included 2 originally trapped last October - the first time we have ever caught any that have been trapped the previous autumn. Long-tailed Tit is a transient visitor to Landguard and is a species that we don't record every spring. Other migrants today are singles of Fieldfare and Mistle Thrush plus some new Great Tits. Finally a Kestrel put in an appearance for the first time in ages - this species often deserts us for the first couple of months of the year and this year was no exception.