Monday 19th March 2012

A frosty start today and with clear conditions overnight only a small selection of new migrants on site. Yesterdays Firecrest lingered and was joined by a couple of new Blackbirds and Chiffchaffs, with singles of Goldcrest and Redwing. A different hybrid gull from Sundays was observed, this time a 2nd winter Glaucous x Herring. Also around the docks were 2 Yellow-legged Gulls (1st & 3rd Winters), the male and female Peregrines were both utilising the cranes. Other migrants included 9 Wheatears on the reserve, with a pair of Jackdaws and singles of Skylark, Grey Heron and Goldfinch all heading South.

Lepidopteran interest came in the form of a Lead-coloured Drab from the moth traps and as the day warmed a Peacock, the first butterfly seen here this year, flew by.