Sunday 18th March 2012

Another white-winged gull this morning in the shape of a 1st winter "Nelson's Gull". A significant proportion of the Glaucous Gulls in Iceland hybridise with Herring Gulls & this bird is presumably one of the offspring. At least three Yellow-legged Gulls were just inside the dock compound. Unfortunately someone in the Fort was playing with guns this morning which successfully ruined this mornings gull roost for observers & visitors alike. A Common Buzzard came over the river & inland over the docks late morning. Why Common Buzzard is such a scarce visitor to Landguard is a bit of a mystery especially when you consider that they can be seen daily less than 5 miles away. In the migrant department 73 Redwing (which dispersed inland soon after dawn), 10 Wheatears, 2 Jackdaws, 2 Skylarks, 2 Chiffchaffs, 2 Fieldfare, Firecrest, Reed Bunting plus a handful of new Blackies, Robin & Dunnock. Offshore apart from gulls 18 Golden Plover & a Red-breasted Merganser went south. A Dark Sword Grass was the only moth in 3 traps & an unexpected migrant for the time of year.