July 2012 ringing totals

July was a good moth for ringing, despite a break in coverage 309 birds of 24 species were ringed. Many of these being local and dispersing juveniles. This is the highest total for July since 2005 although probably compensates slightly for the poor number of fledglings last month. Top of the charts were Linnet (75), Greenfinch  (61) and Dunnock (27).

Linnet 75 Song Thrush 4
Greenfinch 61 Swallow 3
Dunnock 27 Chaffinch 3
House Sparrow 18 Blue Tit 2
Blackbird 16 Reed Warbler 2
Whitethroat 14 Black Redstart 2
Wren 13 Nightingale 1
Starling 13 Pied Wagtail 1
Blackcap 11 Lesser Whitethroat 1
Great Tit 11 Goldfinch 1
Wood Pigeon 8 Garden Warbler 1
Robin 7 Great-spotted Woodpecker 1
Chiffchaff 6 Green Woodpecker 1
Willow Warbler 5 Collared Dove 1
Total 309