Wednesday 1st August 2012

An encouraging SSE breeze is probably just a tad to early in the autumn to bring us a great deal. A couple of Reed & a Willow Warbler were new in with another Great-spotted Woodpecker passing through. Offshore a handful of waders, 3 Gannets, 3 Sand Martin & a Kitt going south plus 11 Sandwich Terns & 2 Great-crested Grebes north. The last couple of days a couple of baby Med Gulls have started turning up as they have been noticeable by their non-appearance so far. Baby Black-heads have also been very thin on the ground this autumn. What i will give a mention to is House Sparrows who seen to be churning out a respectable number of young and seem to have successfully turned a corner following record low numbers a couple of years ago. Finally a Hummingbird Hawk-moth showed up.