Monday 13th August 2012

A busier day today with 24 birds ringed, sadly no further sign of the Barred Warbler today though.

Linnet 9; Willow Warbler 3; Pied Flycatcher 2;  Wren 2; Greenfinch 2; House Sparrow; Whitethroat; Garden Warbler; Chiffchaff; Great Tit; Woodpigeon.

On the move a Yellow Wagtail, 4 Whimbrel, 5 Wigeon, 16 Teal, 6 Grey Plover, a Gannet, 80+ Swallows, 4 Dunlin, a Fulmar, Bar-tailed Godwit, Golden Plover, 2 Common Scoter, Sandwich Tern, 3 Curlew and 4 Sand Martin. A few dragons continue to hang around with Emperor, Common Darter, Migrant and Southern Hawkers all seen.