Sunday 12th August 2012

A stiff easterly brought a Barred Warbler to the beach bushes opposite the "icky ridge", a new Pied Fly & Reed Warbler in the compound but little else in the form of small migrant passerines. Offshore singles of Pom & Arctic Skua went past in minutes of each other around 0700ish & a Black Tern fed with up to 35 Common Terns off the point on the falling tide. Also moving offshore 4 Gannets, 4 Common Scoter, Great-crested Grebe & Sandwich Tern north, 63 Teal, Shelduck, Whimbrel & Oyk south. Also 25 Swallows went south & a Lapwing north over the obs. Plenty of finchy things are feeding on the reserve at the moment plus 4 Wheatears. In the moth department Cydia amplana is a half decent migrant.