Friday 19th October 2012

Despite some early morning shenanigans, with the predicted rain coming and going, a few new birds were ringed. Primarily in the finch department with 21 Lesser Redpoll, 14 Greenfinch and 6 Chaffinch. also making an appearance were Gold and Firecrest accompanied by a lonely Robin.

Amongst the Redpolls was this handsome chap

Elsewhere it was pretty quiet with a few early morning thrushes including a Ring Ouzel, the odd gang of Siskins and Mipits, 2 Firecrests, 3 Goldcrests, 9 Swallows, Snipe, Black Redsart and a solitary Reed Bunting. Non avian sightings included a couple of Grey Seal and a smart looking, if miniscule, snail. Any suggestions on species from Gastropod enthusiasts welcome!