Thursday 18th October 2012

Goldfinches were most obviously on the move this morning with over 400 heading through. 80 Siskin headed South too, along with a handful of Meadow Pipits and the odd Swallow. At least 2 Firecrests were on site amongst half a dozen Goldcrests and a few of the usual thrushes.. An adult male Ring Ouzel Trapped at dawn was an overdue addition to the autumns ringing totals, and was joined by a few Goldies and Greenfinches. A Jay dropped in in the afternoon followed by a band of angry tits and finches, both male and female Sparrowhawks were also hanging around most of the day.

Ring Ouzel

Ringing totals: Greenfinch 16, Goldfinch 8, Chaffinch 4, Blackbird 4, Goldcrest 2, Ring Ouzel, Redwing, Song Thrush, Wren, Blue Tit, Robin and a lone Blackcap = 41