Monday 22nd October 2012

A very busy day today with poor visibility due to persistent fog. 296 new birds were ringed, with Robins being the main feature. At least 200 were on site but likely many more. Thrushes were also evident with Blackbirds and Song Thrushes the main fare, though a few Redwing, Fieldfare and a Ring Ouzel were about too. 6 Black and 2 Common Redstarts were on the reserve along with Short Eared Owl, Merlin, Pied Flycatcher, Whinchat, 8 Brambling, 4 Firecrest, a couple of Lapwing and Woodcock and 2 Wheatear. The wind persists in the east tonight so perhaps another busy day tomorrow, and maybe the odd retrap Robin or 50!

Ringing: Robin 132, Blackbird 61, Song Thrush 44, Goldcrest 24, Chaffinch 10, Chffchaff 8, Blackcap 7, Redwing 7, Goldfinch, Brambling, Dunnock, Great Tit and Firecrest = 296. This is the 5th highest total of birds ringed in a day at the observatory since its establishment!