Sunday 21st October 2012

Filthy weather. Precipitation eased off for a short while to allow some ringing (38 new birds) before it had to be "red carded" due to the conditions. Loads of new birds in on site with at least 50 Songies, 40 Robins, 15 Goldcrests, 10 Chiffs, 4 Black Reds, 3 Blackcaps, Brambling, Wheatear, Whinchat, Stonechat & Pied Fly. Two flocks of Starlings totalling 320 birds came in off during the heavy rain late morning. Grey Heron & Lapwing also came in off. Offshore movements not riveting but did include a Red-throated Diver & a Merganser. At least one Firecrest from recent days is still with us. Obviously a lot more here than we have noted but the rain has precluded a lot of serious recording going on. Scarce Bordered Straw in the moth traps.