Sunday 7th October 2012

Chilly clear start but then the dreaded fog rolled in for a while which put the mockers on it. Vis mig & sea watching consequently poor but did include 8 Canada Geese south which is odd for the time of the year. 8 Stockies south is also worth a mention. Bird of the day was undoubtedly a Hooded Crow that came in from the north before departing across the river into Essex - this is only the 6th site record. A selection of new birds in today included 2 Redwing, 2 Black Reds, Jay, Great-spot plus a handful of new Redpolls, Blackies, Goldcrests, Great Tits, Dunnocks, Blackcaps, Reed Bunts, Chaffinch, Wren & Blue Tit. A flock off 22 Blue & 8 Great Tits is quite good for us. Single Wheatear & Lesser throat are still with us on the reserve.