Monday 8th October 2012

Despite a good first round which included a juvenile male Firecrest, passerines were a bit thin on the ground. Apart from a couple of Skylark and Pied Wagtails movement was restricted to the sea with: 700 Brent Geese, 170 Wigeon, 56 Teal, 80 Gannet, 5 Pintail, 2 Red-throated Divers, 13 Common Scoter 9 Arctic and  3 Great Skuas. Also kicking around was a lone Redwing, Goldcrest, half a dozen Chaffinches, a Black Redstart, 2 Wheatear and a Snipe.

Ringing: Blackcap 3, Robin 2, Goldfinch 2, Firecrest, Blackbird, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Grey Wagtail, Dunnock and Wren = 14.