Tuesday 9th October 2012

A bit more evidence of migrants today, the most obvious being a dose of new thrushes early AM. With half a dozen new Blackbirds ringed, 5 continental type Song Thrushes and the first Redwing of the Autumn. A couple of unexpected sightings amongst the usual suspects included a Barn Owl roosting in the Holm Oaks and a brief flyover Hawfinch which disappeared over the docks. 2 male Firecrests were on site, Yesterdays bird and a new one, a Great-spotted Woodpeckers passed through briefly as did half a dozen Redpoll, a Reed Bunting and a Jackdaw.


Ringing amounted to 43 Birds by 16:30: Meadow Pipit 17, Balckbird 7, Song Thrush 5, Lesser Redpoll 3, Chaffinch 2, Blackcap 2 Blue Tit 2, Firecrest, Greenfinch, Chiffchaff, Dunnock and Redwing.